If you got anything out of this post, I'd love to hear your feedback.
Until you make your unconscious conscious, it will direct you and you will call it fate.
From Willy Mays, we learned an important lesson...
When we practice like a professional and play like a kid, good things happen.
This, in essence, is the way to never stop getting
If you have talent, but your talent isn't showing up on the field, I can guarantee you it's about mindset.
Mental toughness can be learned through failure. More specifically, the lessons
A fickle finger of fate...
That's what we call things that are outside of our control.
For example…a bad umpire.
I once had an umpire who was not only blind as a bat
Here's one lesson I learned during my baseball career.
"You don’t miss the water till the well runs dry…"
Get my drift?
One day, it'll be your last day playing baseball. It could
To play with the big boys, we gotta play the hand were dealt. While facing a pitcher, this means swinging at the strikes we're given.
Sometimes, when we strike out, we don't strike
I've seen hitters with swings sloppier than a soup sandwich but still thrived in the batter's box because they had superior pitch recognition skills and the belief that they could beat
If I had a dollar for every time someone emailed me last week about how they can see the ball better out of the pitcher's hand...
...I'd have 5 bucks. Yup.
I counted
Understand. You can't walk up to the plate with your hitting coach in your back pocket. The moment you step into the batter's box, it's time to compete. You can't be