Here's the thing, some hitters have swings made of money.
Some players have swings that ain't worth a chunk of change.
Fortunately, money can’t buy you happiness.
What makes a great hitter is their ability to Win The-Bat. What makes a hitter great, is their mindset…
This is why in today’s email, I’m going to go over:
- A powerful baseball mantra.
- Favorite Hitter's Counts.
- Going into Attack-Mode
- How to get free baseball gear.
See ya at the bottom.
If you're ready to begin sharpening your timing and pitch selection, come see us inside AVB. If you're not a member, you can join for $1.

I'm a Ballplayer...
Repeat after me.
I'm a Ballplayer…
I'm done with being obsessed with my batting average and stats.
I'm done trying to achieve the mechanically perfect swing.
I'm done being afraid of failure.
I'm done resisting the responsibility that comes with success.
I’m done worrying about what my coach thinks of me.
I’m done worrying about what my teammates are doing.
I’m playing for myself while competing to help my team win.
I’m staying in process, getting the work in regardless of my level of motivation.
I’m committed to the long journey of learning how to play this game the right way.
I’m making my inner game a priority.
I'm a competitor.
I’m a leader.
I’m a ballplayer.

What's your approach?
See how others answered on Social. Instagram | Facebook
Here's a hint: "The hardest hit balls happen earlier in the count or with count-leverage"
Things I'd Like to Share:
Blog: Going into Attack Mode.
Clip: Hit Ball Hard You Win.
Shorts: What a Hell-Hack looks like.
Rewards: Send us your training clip for free Baseball Goodies.
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