The reality is, what pro & college baseball scouts look for in ballplayers will tend to go beyond talent and abilities because talent and abilities are an assumption.
To play at the next level, talent and ability is a prerequisite. Ultimately, what sets players apart is their mental and emotional make-up.
In a game loaded with failure, a ballplayer's ability to be confident and stay confident when they're not getting results will be their biggest challenge.
Attributes like the ones below will help a player learn how to play the game the right way when the inevitable challenges on and off the field arrive.
Players Who Serve In Silence
Player who learn how to serve in silence are a high-level coache's dream because they know that player wil be the same "guy" every day.
Players who serve in silence get the job done.
Without the need for any recognition, they will:
- Get the bunt down
- Hit behind the runner
- Back up the throws
- Hit the cut off
- Play to win
- Fight & pull for their teammates
Arrogance is loud. Arrogance needs to know that it will be seen and validated before it puts in the work.
Confidence is quiet.
Be a Player Who Progresses.
If you don't have the skills today, development them so they sharpen tomorrow.
Listen to Rice University Head coach break this down.
Be An Athlete
When your swing is athletic, you can get beat by the fastball, be out in front on the off-speed or leak a little on your front side when you’re fooled, and still make hard contact because you’re swing is calm, cool, and collected.
An athletic swing plays BIG TIME because you’re swinging to hit the ball hard instead of to “just” make contact.
It’s important that we don’t take the athleticism out of our swing because we’re trying to achieve perfect mechanics.
The right approach will fix your mechanics.
athleticism will make the right approach & talent show up.
Manages Slumps & Hit Streaks
I’ve been getting a lot of DMs lately about dealing with slumps & keep hitting streaks alive.
Here’s my take. Slumps don’t exist, and neither do hit streaks.
In my mind, the most simple way to handle failure & manage success is to remember this...
When you’re 0-4 and in a funk at the plate, Just remember that you have ability. Trust it Stay after it. Keep pushing forward. Keep an opening day mindset.
When you’re 4-4 and on a little hit streak, just remember, you’re nothing special. get back to work. Imagine you’re 0-0 in your mind.
A Sound Mental Game
Players learn to rule your mind, or it will rule you.
Redefine your definition of success from getting hits to:
- swinging at strikes
- being selectively aggressive
- taking controlled-aggressive swings
- being on time with the fastball
- having fun
- winning the at-bat
These are goals within your control. These are goals that you can establish to help control your mental chatter and how you perceive the game.
When your goals are within your control, the game will slow down.
Rule your mind bro.
Quiet eyes & A Quiet mind.
Wanna know how to slow down the fastball?
Quiet your eyes.
Here’s how. minimize your head movement. Slow down your stride. Keep a soft gaze on the pitcher's release point to avoid eye strain.
Wanna know how to slow down the game?
Quiet your mind.
Here’s how. Focus on the result that you want and ignore the result you don’t. Visualize & rehearse success. Focus on helping your team get the W.
When you stop making it about you, and you see the result you want in your mind, the most important skill in baseball surfaces.
Your instincts.
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