To link your Swing Trigger remote to your IOS device, watch this short clip below or follow the directions in the step by step process further down.

If you have any issues with your setup, send us a t note on our contact page.

With the Swing Trigger VR Remote, hitters can train the timing, tempo, rhythm and selective aggression while using various pitch recognition training drills inside the Applied Vision Baseball App.

Listed below are step-by-step instruction on how to install your Swing Trigger VR Remote which you can also purchase here.

Step One: For IOS, turn the swtich to GAME.  For computer, turn the switch to KEYBOARD.

Step Two: Turn on and connect your bluetooth to the name of the VR Remote. If you're having trouble connecting, make sure another device near by is not already connected to the remote.

Step Three: In settings, click on Accessibility.

Step Four: Click on Keyboards.

Step Five:  Activate Full Keyboard Access

Step six:  Once Full Keyboard Access is turned on, scroll down to Commands.

Step seven: Click on Commands to go to commands page.

Step eight: Scroll down and click on Activate.

Step nine: Make sure Activate is connected as "1".

This is important. the Activate button is the Swing Trigger button for your index finger. Once this is activated, you'll be able to press the Swing Triggerâ„¢ with your trigger finger!

Step ten: As a last saftey measure, you can press the button the thre three lines (III) to finish the connection.

Thats it!

You can login the app and begin training with your VR remote Swing Trigger.

If you still have any questions, shoot me an email.


Based on user surveys, 95% of hitters training in Applied Vision Baseball have said they feel MORE confident & are more consistent in recognizing & reacting to high-velocity fastballs & hard breaking balls.

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