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Bat Speed Swing Bands

Learn how you can use swing bands to develop repeatble, explosive swings!

How to fix casting & stay connected.

How to fix barrel dumping.

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Baseball Swing Trainer Band Style #1

Feel the stretch
Stay Connected
Avoid Casting
baseball hitting training tools

Lead Arm to Bat Handle: As depicted, the band is affixed to the lead arm and the bat handle. You have some flexibility in where you attach the band on the bat. Some prefer it beneath the bottom hand, while others opt for the top, and some find a comfortable spot in between. Choose what feels most natural for you.

Upon loading, you'll sense the tension in the band. Maintain this tension as you load, separate, and unleash the hands during your swing.

Maintain a consistent swing, and notice how maintaining tension in the band aids in allowing your hips to propel the hands through the zone.

If the band slips off the elbow, that's perfectly acceptable. Simply reset and readjust for the next swing.

Our objective is to remain inside the ball, achieving a smooth flight, carry, and backspin as we drive the bat head through the zone.

Baseball Swing Trainer Band Style #2

Feel the stretch
Stay Connected
Avoid Casting
baseball hitting training tools

Lead Arm to Top Hand Thumb: This is very similar to style one, but a tick easier. You still want to work on feeling the stretch in the load phase of the swing.

Focus on staying connected by keeping the hands inside the ball to avoid casting. You will have the band attached to the lead arm, and the other end attached to the thumb. Think of your top hand like the draw of a bow and arrow. Thew top hand is what draws the bow to stretch.

We should see nice flight of the ball off the bat. Aggressive swings while swinging with intent. Balance at the point of contact and balance after contact. Lastly, we need to see the head down at the point of contact, with a firm base and lower half.

Baseball Swing Trainer Band Style #3

Feel the stretch
Stay Connected
Avoid Casting
baseball hitting training tools

Back Elbow to Bat Handle: This approach is quite similar to the previous one but a tad simpler. The emphasis remains on sensing the stretch during the loading phase of the swing.

Concentrate on maintaining connection by keeping the hands inside the ball to avoid casting. Attach one end of the band to the lead arm and the other end to the thumb. Visualize your top hand as the draw of a bow and arrow. The top hand functions to draw the bow and create tension.

We aim to observe a pleasing flight of the ball off the bat. Execute aggressive swings with clear intent. Achieve balance at the point of contact and maintain it after contact. Lastly, ensure the head remains down at the point of contact, with a solid base and engaged lower half.

Baseball Swing Trainer Band Style #4

Feel the stretch
Stay Connected
Avoid Casting
baseball hitting training tools

Swing Cuffs To Wrists: Lastly, with our path bands, the problems we’re trying to solve here are:

- letting go of the bat too early.
- avoiding chicken winging (the lead arm starts to poke out and we get an early collapse)
- chasing pitches out of the zone
- swinging to just make contact instead of swinging with intent to do damage.

If you’re chasing pitches, or if your lead elbow tends to flair, these path bands will help with being more conscious of what you’re elbows are doing while in your load-phase of your swing, as well as a reminder to establish plate discipline by not chasing pitches out of the zone with one hand.

We’re keeping the swing the same.

We’re Focusing on staying short and compact.

About me


Mark Brooks is the founder of Applied Vision Baseball, Art of Baseball Productions & Co-founder of Quality At-Bats Academy.

He's a graduate of Bethune Cookman University where he played for the Division 1 Wild Cats.

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